This website is owned and operated by Joy Counseling Services LLC, and Joy Gillespie MSW LCSW (hereinafter “we” ”us” ”our” ”I”). Please make sure to review and read through all the Terms and Conditions before using this website. By visiting and interacting with the website, you (hereinafter “visitor” “you” “your”) are agreeing and consenting that you have read all the Terms and Conditions put forth by the website and are required by law to follow them. You also agree, when using this website that you are at least 18 years of age. Anyone under 18 years of age is not authorized or encouraged to use this website. If you do not agree with anything on this website or any content, please do not engage in the use of either the website or its content.
At any time, Joy Counseling Services LLC reserves the right to make changes to this disclaimer notice. Any updates and changes become effective immediately when they are posted on this website. Since updates and changes can be made at any time, it is recommended that you check back periodically to make sure you have read the most up to date version.
The purpose of this website is to provide information for people looking for a therapist or more information on therapy. Any content on this website or provided due to your decision to opt-in to our email list is meant for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing on this website or any information sent out via email is meant to take the place of a therapist or therapy. You understand and agree that the use of this website, participation in email lists, the use of free downloads, or purchasing a product does not create a therapist-client relationship, and is not intended to take the place of actual therapy. A therapeutic relationship is ONLY established after a consent for treatment form is signed.
Legal Disclaimer
Even though Joy Gillespie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (hereinafter “LCSW”), for the capacity of this website or any content related to the website or some of the products offered, she is not acting as your therapist or providing therapy. This website, and/or its content, is not to be a replacement for therapy. If you are in need of therapy for a mental health disorder, it is recommended that you seek out a provider in your area. You agree that the information provided on this website or content related to is not intended to be taken as advice from a therapist. Until you enter into a formal therapist-client relationship, everything should be considered to be advice and not therapy.
Limitation of Liability
Participation in this website, its content, and the email list is completely voluntary. You are personally responsible for how you use the information, including actions, decisions, or results. You also are agreeing that you understand there are, at times, unknown risks or circumstances that can come up with the use of this website or any content relating to this website. These cannot be predicted or anticipated but could affect you personally or professionally. You also understand and agree that suggestions are just that, they are not a requirement to buy or participate. Any decision to follow any suggestions given by this website is completely your decision and Joy Counseling Services LLC and Joy Gillespie MSW LCSW is not liable for that decisions or choice. You agree that you are accepting any risks or benefits involved in partaking in information in this website.
By using this website you are agreeing and accepting all potential and real risks. You are in agreement to release Joy Counseling Services LLC, Joy Gillespie MSW LCSW, or anyone else that is affiliated with Joy Counseling Services LLC from any liability for any loss, damage, injury (both physical, mental, emotional, psychological), or litigation that you or anyone else could sustain from either direct or indirect use of any information or content found on this website or received via email. You also agree to not hold Joy Counseling Services LLC, Joy Gillespie MSW LCSW or this website liable for any indirect or direct damages that may happen by using this website or the content provide in the website or via email. That includes any purchases, downloads, comments, or any other information acquired.
You agree to hold harmless Joy Counseling Services LLC, Joy Gillespie MSW LCSW, this website, and anyone affiliated with Joy Counseling Services LLC, from any causes of damages, actions, costs, expenses, or losses that was created as a result of using this website, products offered, or content delivered via email. You also agree that Joy Counseling Services LLC is not responsible to pay any legal fees or medical fees created from a direct or indirect interaction with Joy Counseling Services LLC or this website.
By using this website, and the products/content within, you agree to not hold Joy Counseling Services LLC, Joy Gillespie MSW LCSW or any affiliates responsible for information or material posted by another person without our control.
We take every attempt to be as accurate as possible, but mistakes could happen. By using this website, and the content provided, you agree to not hold Joy Counseling Services LLC, Joy Gillespie MSW LCSW, or any affiliates, responsible for any errors, omissions, or liability from any damages or losses created by your use of this website and/or its products.
Psychotherapy Services
Therapy varies depending on the therapist, the personality of the client, the dynamic between the two, as well as the particular issues the client brings forward. The general process of therapy treatment usually involves a series of meetings with the therapist to understand client’s presenting issues, to try different approaches, and to observe client’s progress. It is a collaborative process that requires honesty, openness and initiative on the client’s part. Working outside of therapy is generally expected to attain therapy goals. A variety of approaches could be used throughout the treatment. Hence, after the assessment period, we will determine the best approach to use together. We will invite feedback throughout the therapy process to ensure client’s needs are being met to the best of our abilities. Please be advised that services including medication management and custody recommendation are not provided as it is not within our scope of expertise.
Risks, Benefits and Outcome Disclaimer
Therapy sessions can be uncomfortable and emotionally painful at times since therapy often involves discussing unpleasant aspects of a client’s life. Attempting to resolve issues that brought the client to therapy in the first place may result in changes that the client did not originally intend such as changes in behavior, employment, education or relationships. Sometimes, a change viewed as positive by one person may be seen as negative by another. Change can sometimes be easy or rapid, but more often is gradual and can be frustrating.
While sometimes difficult, therapy can be beneficial in many ways, including reduced symptoms, resolution of specific problems that led clients to seek therapy, improved interpersonal relationships, new insight into certain issues, and making sense of past traumatic experiences. Even though there is no guarantee that therapy will yield positive or intended results – matters can get worse as well as better because it is impossible to predict the outcome of treatment as success depends on many factors including a client’s motivation, effort, and such life circumstances as client’s interactions with family, friends and others, the evidence-based approaches we use in our practice are often successful when there is a good therapeutic bond and when clients are motivated and committed to change. Clients are ultimately in control and responsible for the changes that result from the therapy process. If clients could benefit from any treatment that we do not provide, we have an ethical obligation to assist clients in obtaining those treatments.
Any and all forward-looking statements on our website, however, are intended to express our opinion of possible outcomes. Statements, testimonials, and examples on this website were provided by satisfied clients in confidence and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve exactly the same results. Every effort has been made to accurately represent our services and their possible potential. Therapy is hard work, and is team work. Again, the therapeutic outcome depends on a client’s level of motivation, commitment, attendance, involvement and effort. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve exactly the same results.
Earnings Disclaimer
From time to time, we may suggest resources (books, apps, presentations, videos, services, etc.) to clients. These recommendations are always based on a belief that the resources could provide excellent and valuable information to the clients, and could benefit the clients in a positive way. Joy Counseling Services LLC does not offer or accept kickbacks, rebates, bonuses, or other remuneration for referrals in any way.
Limitation Of Liability
Joy Counseling Services LLC is dedicated to advancing the well-being of individuals. Joy Counseling Services LLC respects the rights of those persons seeking assistance, and Joy Counseling Services LLC makes reasonable efforts to ensure that our services are used appropriately. We adhere to the NASW code of ethics (Click to View).
All information disclosed within a session and the written records pertaining to those sessions are confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission. However, there are some exceptions including, but not limited to the following:
According to Missouri State Law and Professional Ethics, when there is risk of imminent harm to self, to others, or to property, I am ethically bound to take necessary steps to prevent such harm and ensure your safety and the safety of others. This notification may include notifying an intended target of violence, notifying the police, informing your emergency contact, or seeking appropriate hospitalization.
According to Missouri State Law and Professional Ethics, any suspected abuse and/or neglect of any child or senior citizen will be reported by me as a mandated reporter to appropriate agency for investigation.
All insurance companies require information on a client’s diagnosis and sometimes a treatment plan and case summary in order to justify the necessity of treatment and payment. Your insurance company paying for services may have a right to review all your treatment records.
When a valid court order is issued for records and/or testimony on the part of this therapist, then I am bound by law to comply with such an order.
A fee dispute between us.
A negligence lawsuit brought by you against me, or a complaint filed with a licensing board, or other state or federal regulatory authority.
In order to provide you the best possible services, I may consult with professional colleagues regarding your case. If the need arises, please be aware that your name or any other identifying information will not be shared.
If you choose to file insurance claims and you request a statement (also called a SuperBill) to do so, your statement and therapeutic notes will contain diagnosis. This information becomes part of the client record and your medical record in perpetuity.
Therapeutic Relationship
A therapeutic relationship is a professional relationship in its nature, and having any relationship outside of our therapeutic relationship will be avoided even after our treatment ends. Should we see each other in the community, Joy will not initiate contact with the purpose of protecting your confidentiality. If we have any shared relationships, we may need to discuss how to maintain clear boundaries. It is your responsibility to let Joy know if you are aware of such relationship, and we will decide together how to proceed. Joy will also not be able to accept any gifts with monetary value or barter/trade services.
Link Information
We try to link only to other reputable websites that do not engage in improper business practices. When you are on our website you may have the opportunity to visit, or “click-through”, to other websites, blogs, or other electronic media not operated by Joy Counseling Services LLC. These sites may collect personal information about you or be a security risk. Joy Counseling Services LLC does not control websites that are operated by these entities and is not responsible for the practices of the other websites. The privacy practices and policies of any linked websites are the sole responsibility of the other websites. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any website that you visit from a link on this site.
Counseling and Consulting Sessions
Initial assessment session is 60 minutes in length but can extend to additional sessions. All following sessions are 50 to 55 minutes in length including time spent on collecting payment and scheduling. The number of sessions vary depending on presenting issues, severity of symptoms, identified goals, treatment methods, and insurance coverage if you choose to use insurance. More frequent sessions or longer sessions may be available for additional fees if clinically appropriate.
The first session is an assessment session where client’s background information is gathered including family history, education history, employment history, treatment history and presenting issues (or case history for consulting sessions). The second and third session are treatment planning sessions where expectations for the treatment will be discussed, our understanding of current struggles, whether we are a good “fit”, goals for services, possible therapy methods used in the course of treatment, and other treatment recommendations.
Appointment Policy
Please call 636-466-1994 to schedule an appointment.
Most of the time, therapy sessions are scheduled on a weekly basis, but scheduling can be more flexible if clinically appropriate. When there is progress, we may have sessions less frequently until clients are ready to be discharged. Therapy is NOT intended to be lifelong. The frequency of therapy sessions will be discussed in more detail in the treatment planning sessions. A reminder about upcoming appointment will be provided.
Cancellation Policy
Joy Counseling Services LLC is diligent about setting appointments that are convenient to the client and in alignment with best professional practice. When an appointment is scheduled, that time is reserved for the client. Joy Counseling Services LLC requires a full 24 hours notice for cancellations or reschedules of standard weekly sessions.. If client chooses, for any reason not to attend said sessions or choose to reschedule an appointment without providing 24 hours advance notice, full fee of the scheduled session will be charged unless this involves a life threatening emergency.
Time for your appointment is set aside specifically just for you. We will be available and ready to provide you the best possible service during your appointment time, therefore it is very important that you arrive at your appointment on time as scheduled. If you arrive late for a scheduled appointment, only the remainder of the session will be available. If we run late with a prior appointment for some reason, you will still receive the full session. It is our office policy that if you are more than 20 minutes late to your scheduled appointment, without notice, it will be considered a no-show and you will be responsible for the missed appointment fee.
Missed Sessions
Consistency is paramount for therapy to be most effective. If you miss a scheduled appointment, we will reach out to you once to reschedule with you. If two sessions are missed/cancelled in a row, we will need to discuss any barriers of attendance to decide what can be done differently so that your attendance can be more consistent. If three sessions are missed/cancelled in a row, we will take a break from therapy until you are ready to re-engage on a consistent basis. If we have not received any communication from you within 30 days, we will assume you are no longer interested in services, and you will be discharged from treatment automatically.
Phone calls
Brief phone calls regarding scheduling or billing issues are permitted. Due to confidentiality and clinical best practice, phone calls of a clinical nature or phone counseling sessions are not permitted and will not be conducted unless it is due to inclement weather or emergency, OR if a session is scheduled to be a phone session.
You must use the Website and its Content for lawful purposes only. You agree that you will not use the Website or its Content in any of the following ways:
For fraudulent purposes or in connection with a criminal offence or otherwise carry out any unlawful activity
To send, use or re-use any material that is illegal, offensive, abusive, indecent, harmful, defamatory, obscene or menacing, threatening, objectionable, invasive of privacy, in breach of confidence, infringing of any intellectual property rights, or that may otherwise may injure others
To send, negatively impact, or infect our Website or its Content with software viruses or any other harmful or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any spam, whether intended or not
To cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety
To impersonate any third party or otherwise mislead as to the origin of your contributions
To reproduce, duplicate, copy or resell any part of our Website or its Content in a way that is not in compliance with these T&C or any other agreement with us.
Disclaimer Notice Changes
Joy Counseling Services LLC reserves the right to change or update this disclaimer notice, or any other of our policies or practices, at any time without notice. Any changes or updates will be effective immediately upon posting to this website. Under certain circumstances, we may also elect to notify you of changes or updates to our disclaimer notice by additional means, such as posting a notice on the front page of our website or sending you an e-mail. We encourage you to review this disclaimer notice often for changes. If you have any questions or comments regarding our disclaimer notice, you may contact us at:
Joy Counseling Services LLC
Phone: 636-466-1994
Fax: 636-237-8042